“I love what’s not possible to repeat, unpredictable audience and things you say or sing just once”
Ulrika Wedin skapade en suggestiv performance bestående av en film och en live akt (17/4 Allmänna Galleriet). Wedin har valt en läcker lokal, en pietetsfullt ruffig industrilokal vid Fridhemsplan, Stockholm, och en perfekt samarbetspartner i systern Johanna Wedin, som även samarbetar med henne i duon The Hackers. Tillsammans skapar de ett "sound" som för tankarna till amerikanska singer-songwriters. Detta var deras första samarbete och jag hoppas verkligen att det blir fler.
- Lena Endrén, www.nummer.se 2008
Och även när trasigt blir trendigt känns missljuden i människan och musiken - de som verkligen inte går att promota och sälja - mest intressanta.
Jag dras till det som varken går att laga eller sälja,
eller ens behöver lagas eller vill bli sålt.
- Johanna Wedin-Duda
My precious (I heard Jesus)
I heard Jesus walked on water / still I couldn’t get myself out of bed /
You see I needed some kind of miracle / that would erase the thoughts in my head /
What do I do, baby, when I’m bad and I feel so blue?
I make some wine like Jesus out of the water / just to ease the pain /
my poor soul is suffering under / what a wonder done in vain /
What did I do? Baby, too drunk to remember you.
I drink and get drunk and I smoke and get high / I kiss myself and my soul goodbye.
I drink and get drunk and I smoke and get high / I kiss my ass and my soul goodbye.
God knows how hard I’ve tried / to always get that high /
just to get by / cause I don’t want to die /
Well it’s not that hard to see / if you’re partying with me /
that I don’t really care / at all / if I’m gonna throw up, crumble or crawl /
I drink and get drunk and I smoke and get high / I kiss myself and my soul goodbye.
I drink and get drunk and I smoke and get high / I kiss my ass and my soul goodbye.
God knows how hard I’ve tried / to always get that high /
just to get by /cause I don’t wanna cry /
Hallways and highways (also the first part of the song “Träskovalsen”)
You can see me in the hallway never entering /
You can hear me overthinking almost everything /
Why am I solo
and so low
and lonely? /
You can see me on the highway walking all alone /
You can hear me in the moonlight howling all alone /
You can judge me, point your finger, and you're not alone /
But I will die
that I did
everything /
If you walk the road with me / surely you one day will see /
that love is hard to find / when your heart is black and blind. /
If you walk the road with me / surely you one day will see /
that life is hard to live / when love is hard to give. /
You better love me or leave me alone. You better love me or make it on your own.
If I walk the road with you / surely I one day will do /
what I always have done / use my mouth like a loaded gun./
If I walk the road with you / surely I one day will do /
what I always have done / use my legs and try to run. /
You better love me or leave me alone. You better love me or make it on your own.
Fear is a friend / fighting for me till the end /
and I need to know me so much more than before I met you. /
Me and my guitar
When you lose your love / you can lose it all / you can lose your soul /
and when you lose your soul / you can lose your mind / you can lose it all /
Me and my guitar, we made it so far / Me and my guitar
I don’t like daydreaming, I don’t like fairytales
but you’re my daydream, you’re my fairytale
I’m so, I’m so, I’m so in love with you, but I don’t want you to
feel the same, it’s a shame, ’cause I will change
my mind as soon as I find out that you want me too
Sing with me / we will be / truly deeply / in love
Sweet affection, love and erection
Sweet illusion, love and confusion
Sweet beginning, always ends with me singing
bye bye bye, goodbye, bye, bye, by your side,
wish to be, but I don’t want you to see me.
Sing with me / we will be / truly deeply / in love.
Everybody is saying, you gotta’ keep on playing
Everybody is saying, you gotta’ be staying and face your fears
When you lose your love / you can lose it all / you can lose your soul /
and when you lose your soul / you can lose your mind / you can lose it all /
Me and my guitar, we never been this far / Me and my guitar.
Perfect like you
I am perfect just like you / in every way, yes it’s true /
I am perfect just like you / whatever you say or do /
I’m amazing / I can do almost anything /
I’m amazing / I can fly, fart and sing /
I am perfect just like you / in every way, yes it’s true /
I am perfect just like you / whatever you say or do /
I’m beautiful / I’ve got everything in place /
I’m beautiful / my tits and my ass are not in my face /
You don’t have to sing along
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whenever I let you to / you help me through /
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whenever you let me to / I help you through /
And when I hear the blues / playing that sad old song /
I can always choose / not to sing along /
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whenever I let you to / you help me through /
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whenever you let me to / I help you through /
When I get bad news / they try to shrink my soul /
but I can always use / love to take control /
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whatever, whatever we do / we put our faith in to /
you and me
We’re so lost in time / but we take one day at a time /
Jesus is me and you / Jesus is me and you /
And whenever you’re in despair / promise there’s someone there /
Lean your head against my shoulder / this world is getting colder /
I will keep you warm and safe / you just need some love and faith /
Lean your head against my shoulder / I will be here when it’s all over /
Always we will need each other / I do love you, sister and brother /
Believe me, you’re not alone / Dial my number, use the phone /
I will answer and say hi / If you’re scared, just tell me why /
So come on sister / let me love you all the time /
Well, come on brother / let me ease your mind /
Take it easy, take it nice and slow / Feel the rhythm, just follow the flow /
About tomorrow, we don’t know / Step by step we’re letting go /