news & updates
27 Juni 2022 Read about this precious surprise on instagram
16 mars 2022 Perhaps there will never be that Ep I had in mind. Life is a surprising trip! The illness and the arm has gone wild and so has the pain in my hands. One doctor told me it could take 4-5 years with my arm and that it’s impossible to know if I’ll ever be able to move my arm normally again.
But I won’t give up. And when I do give up, that’s okey to. I will keep on going with the flow of ”yay!” and ”WTF!” I’ll take one precious day and one single song at a time.
And how about the world? Awful and beautiful. What to do? Music, always music but perhaps not as planed. I don’t need to folder music in Albums I just need to sing and play. And there is interesting live performances waiting for me and my body. Yay! and WTF!
Lots of love & laughter to you!
27 Juli 2019 SjöÖset Trots spelvilan klev jag glatt ur hängmattan. Det sägs att SjöÖset kanske är Sveriges mysigaste festival och jag fick vara med och fira deras 10-års kalas och begravning! Tog med gitarr, indiskt harmonium, elektrifierat klaviatur, shaker och en present. Tusen tack till publiken, “presenten” och han som bar på allt!
9 Juni 2018 Stockholm The sweetest audience and the sweetest owner of Larrys Corner made me feel at home. My amazing sister Ulrika and the briliant drummer Andreas Axelsson were beautiful as always. And luckely my precious Jonas managed to catch some moments without falling on his head...
Photo 6-7 Kirsty McLean Bar Wotever London
Nov 13th Blue Monday at The Boogaloo London
Nov 14th Bar Wotever at Vauxhall Tavern London
9 September 2017 Kraftstationen Pukeberg med trummisen Andreas Axelsson. En del platser är mer älskade än andra och ibland stämmer allting med ett ostämt piano. Foto Jonas Andersson.
The powerstation in Pukeberg, Sweden, with the drummer Andreas Axelsson. Some places are more loved than others and sometimes being out of tune is being in perfect harmony. #pianooutoftune #pianolove #thehackers #sitting #blackpuddingpoetry
Det kom en önskan vi så gärna vill uppfylla.
Återvänder under konst runt till den gamla och älskade Kraftstationen i Pukeberg den 9 september. Mer info kommer även om vi lär bli nästan lika överraskade som du.
Once again "Open rehearsal" at the old powerstation Pukeberg during the art event Konst Runt, 9 september. More info will come even if we will be almost as surprised as you will be.
9/9 Kl 16:00 The Hackers / SITTING
Going back to beautiful places, discovering a new one.
Galleri & Café Båthuset Öland
OAS.kalmar Instagram
2016 September
Open rehearsal @ Kraftstationen Pukeberg Småland. The Hackers med trummisen Andreas Axelsson.